Battery Charging Guide: How To Charge 12v battery?
How To Remove Crimped Battery Terminal?
What Does Battery Acid Look Like?
Can i Trickle Charge a Battery Without Disconnecting It?
AGM Battery Desulfation- All You Need To Know

You came to read this article because your AGM battery is either sulfated or you want to maintain your AGM battery properly. Or simply you just want some information regarding the AGM battery desulfation process. But how different is this AGM desulfation process in these batteries when compared with normal…
Why Should You Use Distilled Water For Battery?

You might have noticed people filling water into their batteries. Whether it can be a car battery or an inverter battery, you might have noticed this or you might have done it yourself. Actually, maintaining the fluid levels inside the batteries is an important part of any battery maintenance process….
Why Should You Use Dielectric Grease On Battery Terminals?

While you deal with batteries and connections, you might have usually heard of dielectric grease. Have you? Some people consider it as the best battery terminal applicant whereas some prefer other ones such as vaseline and various terminal sprays. Different people apply it in different ways in order to protect…
Does Freezing NiMH Batteries To Revive Them Work?

NiMH batteries or nickel-metal-hydride batteries are one of the best available rechargeable batteries in the market. Various benefits such as higher capacity, being less prone to memory effect and absence of toxic elements make them a favourable choice to use them when compared with other NiCd batteries. Many appliances such…